Mar 2, 2020, 17:07 PM

Do you know our very own local agricultural wizard, Clark Bell? In addition to being raised on a farm, he has been in the agricultural business for 20 years and is passionate about sustainability technology in agriculture. Representing his family’s business, BioGrass© Sod Farms, Clark will be joining us at the Salt Lake Tribune Home + Garden Show, March 6-8th at the Mountain America Expo Center to talk about how to Jumpstart Your Lawn & Garden for Sustainable Success.


Clark and his father Warren Bell co-founded Aqua-Yield©, a liquid fertilizer company working with patented nanotechnology delivery systems. As locals, they specialize in Utah’s unique high-desert climate. This is actually a three-generation project, starting with Warren’s father T.H. Bell back in 1979. A love for lawns is deep in their roots.


If you are a homeowner in Utah, you know lawn success can be tricky. Learn from a pro, don’t miss Clark live on the Garden Design stage, where he will share his Seven Sustainable Steps for the Best Yard on the Block: Friday at 4:00 P.M., Saturday at 1:00 P.M., Sunday at 4:00 P.M.


For more on BioGrass and to connect with Clark, visit him here:

Facebook: @BioGrass

Twitter: @biograsssodfarm
